
Why this
In this niche I found a channel that started just a couple of months ago that’s clearly outperforming his competition. The channel already has multiple tens of millions of views and their first video ever got over 300k views. If you apply what has made this channel successful, there is a great opportunity to become successful in this niche as well.
Success chance
Saturation level
Experience level
- 1. United States
- 2. Canada
- 3. Australia & United Kingdom
Competition ANALYSIS
These channels are showing potential for this niche.
The competition channel The Ultimate Exploration has lower quality thumbnails and inferior topics, so there’s still much room for improvement possible. The Ultimate Expedition has seen this, capitalized on it and got the results. This shows the potential that if you approach it like The Ultimate Expedition, you can get good results fast. However, you will have to post a lot to compete with these channels. On the other hand, the quality of the videos is low (AI VO and simple editing) which also allows you to keep your costs low. There’s another channel that makes similar content which I would definitely recommend to have a look at: Golden Rewind.
The Ultimate Expedition
Topic analysis

Video rating
Video analysis
Captivating start
The script starts with a question that immediately captures the title. This ensures that viewers get confirmation that they are indeed getting what they clicked for, and it makes them reflect on their own knowledge of the topic. Starting your script this way increases engagement.
Constantly confirming the title
The first 19 seconds constantly hint at the fact that there is more to Barron Trump than what you get from the media or would assume at first glance. This perfectly matches the title. By discussing that there are things you don't yet know about Barron Trump, the viewer gets curious about what exactly these things are. Therefore, they will be more willing to keep watching if they feel they are going to learn this.
Building suspense
It clearly works off a list of 15 things you didn't yet know about Barron Trump. Starting with number 15 builds suspense because one logically assumes that number 1 will contain the most important or interesting fact. People tend to watch longer or will fast forward to number 1. However, I do think there is a better way to structure the transition. I discuss this under the don'ts, so please keep reading!
Real life footage
So far, only real life photos of the Trump family have been used. This fits the topic well.
AI voice over
The creator uses a bad AI voice over. The viewers are able to recognize this and don’t appreciate this.
Bad writing
Stay away from standard introduction lines. This script ends its introduction with “Join us as we take a deep dive...". This is redundant and distracts from the actual topic.
Not using hooked transitions
Transitions between cases are now typically in the form of a " top 10" list. For example, they might start with one case and then move on to the next by saying something like this: Number 2, (celebrity name), and then continue the story. First of all, I want to say that this is not necessarily wrong, but I believe there is a much better method. If you have multiple cases in a single video, try to combine them into a single story. As an example, your first case ends like this: ''His contributions to his father's carreer will never be forgotten". What this channel currently would say to go to the next case is probably something like this: "Number 2! (Next thing you didn't know about Barron Trump)" but if you change the transition to something like this: ''His contributions to his father's carreer will never be forgotten. But if there is something else that will never be forgotten about Barron Turmp, it is next you thing of your list. By doing this, people won't even realize they're in the next story. Which means your video will be watched for much longer and get better results.
No change in background music
The same background music is used for the intro and the actual start of the list. I would make sure to use different tracks of background music to indicate the transition from intro to main content.
Not enough variation in footage types
I would try to look for footage of interviews or public appearances where Barron Trump can be heard speaking different languages. This adds to the statement that he’s trilingual and it's a nice change from the current static way of editing. Currently the video mostly consists of photos or slow video footage.


Title analysis
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
The Ultimate Expedition
Used trigger words
- Realizes
- Unsellable
- Breaks Silence
- Heartbreaking
- Sad
- Tragedy
- Tragic
- Confirms
- Shocking
- Truth
- Death
- Secret
- Finally
- Forever
- Hated
- Confesses
- Real Reason
Thumbnail analysis
The Ultimate Expedition
Used thumbnail 1

Credible and emotional
What makes this thumbnail good is that it appears to be a random snapshot of Barron Trump not looking very happy. His facial expression combined with the title "What No One Realizes About Barron Trump" could imply that the kid hides some sort of sad secret or that he is unhappy.
The Ultimate Expedition
Used thumbnail 2

High quality and bright
This is a great thumbnail with a high quality photo that really fits the title: ‘Robert Plant Is Now Over 75 How He Lives Is Sad’. The emphasis is truly placed on the fact that he is old (hence his gray hair and wrinkles), but he also seems to have a sad facial expression. This was deliberately chosen because the title indicates that his life is sad right now. They could also have chosen a smiling photo, but then the thumbnail would not fit the title as well.
The Ultimate Expedition
Used thumbnail 3

Three focus points
This is a good thumbnail where they’ve used 3 focus points and a triggering word. In addition, I think the audience likes the fact that the character from the series the title refers to is half-naked. If you were to improve on this thumbnail, I would increase the definition and brightness of the photo and make sure she is even more prominent by adding stroke and outer glow, for example. You could also make the decision to hint more at the tragedy at hand.
The Ultimate Expedition
Used thumbnail 4
The Ultimate Expedition
Revenue analysis
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
The Ultimate Exploration
Topic analyses

Video rating
Video analyses
Start in the middle of the story
Viewers don't want to listen to a very general intro. People click on your thumbnail and title with a certain expectation and want to be drawn into the story immediately. This creator started off his script the right way by immediately getting to the point.
Engage the viewer
What I like about the script is that it raises a question related to the topic within the first 30 seconds of the script. Because of the following sentence,
AI voice over
I wouldn't use an AI voice over for such content, especially because this channel has gotten multiple comments about the bad AI voice over. If you have no other option but to use an AI voice over, I would definitely choose a voice that's less obvious AI.
No background music
When I noticed the video didn't have any background music, I skipped through the video and there doesn't seem to be any background music included at all. This is a missed opportunity as background music can really enhance the viewer's experience and add value to your video.
Thumbnail as the first shot
I wouldn't recommend using your thumbnail as the first shot of your video. Yes, you can use your thumbnail in your video if that fits your video, but in this case the thumbnail doesn't really match what's being said by the voice over. Moreover, I personally think the thumbnail is too much of a pieced together collection of images that together tell an unclear story, rather than really clarifying anything at a glance.
Movie reel
Maybe the creator wanted to make it seem as some sort of timeline, but this movie reel doesn't make much sense to me. It also doesn't show any clips that support the script or the saying 'In a startling turn of events'.
Footage not supporting the script
The voice over mentions that the custody battle between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie has taken a dramatic twist. We see a clip of Brad Pitt on the red carpet with his kids. I would rather add in footage that suits what the voice over says better. In this case you could think of adding in news articles, tweets, screenshots from Instagram stories or other footage that confirms the dramatic twist you're talking about.
Error in the script
Besides the fact that the sentence isn't correct, here there seems to be an error in the script. The voice over says '300 million wealth' instead of '300 million dollar wealth'. If your viewers weren't already convinced the voice over was AI, they definitely would be by now.


Title analyses
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
The Ultimate Exploration
Used trigger words
- Revealed
- Shocking
- Secret
- True Story
- Legend
- Fascinating
- Tragedy
- Doesn't Want You To See
- Ugly
- Things You Didn't Know
- The Truth About
- Shocking Truth
- Caught On Camera
Thumbnail analyses
The Ultimate Exploration
Used thumbnail 1

Could've shown more emotion
Even though the thumbnail makes it clear that a DNA test will be taken to prove whether the girl in the picture is actually Brad or Angelina's kid, I do think the thumbnail could have been better. For starters I would have chosen other photos from Brad and Angelina, making sure their faces show more emotions. Assuming Brad Pritt claims he might not be the father, I would look for a photo where Brad Pritt looks furious. For Angelina Jolie I would look for a photo where she looks extremely sad or scared. In terms of text I would have gone for a triggering claim such as 'SHE'S NOT MINE!' or 'YOU CHEATED!'.
The Ultimate Exploration
Used thumbnail 2

Stolen from another creator
I'm not quite sure whether this creator was the first one to use this thumbnail, but I'm a 100% positive they did use the thumbnail before The Ultimate Exploration did. I'm talking about this video. I personally would never 1-1 copy my competitor's thumbnail because you can get strikes on thumbnails as well. If you look at the scripts from both of the videos, you might even think The Ultimate Exploration rewrote the entire script and used it as their own.
What makes this thumbnail good is the familiarity of Angelina Jolie, the fact that she is holding a baby and the fact that almost everyone who knows Angeline Jolie also knows that she has adopted children. The baby she is holding does not have to be her own child at all, but the viewer immediately makes the connection with adopting. Combined with the text, people become curious to see how the children Angelina Jolie adopted are doing. Personally, I do think that there is too much happening in the background, making it distracting and no longer meaningful.
The Ultimate Exploration
Used thumbnail 3

Doesn't match the title
What I find disappointing about this thumbnail is that the thumbnail does not match the title in any way, in my opinion. The title talks about Barron Trump's tragedy, but I can't tell at all from the thumbnail that there is a tragedy. So as you can probably guess, on my thumbnail I would try to portray much more the feeling that something serious has happened to or around Barron Trump. Exactly what scenario you are going to portray would really depend on the actual content of your script.
The Ultimate Exploration
Used thumbnail 4
The Ultimate Expedition
Revenue analyses
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Did you check the other competitor channel?
We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.
Lets create
your video
Who is our target audience?
Topic example
How to find topics?
Important: It’s important to find a script writer that knows how to do research on these celebrities and politicians. When telling the stories and choosing your topics, it is wise to consider the political affiliation of your audience and the religious beliefs of your viewers. In this niche, it is important to capitalize on political/religious sentiment and bring up celebrities that viewers remember from when they were younger. Here are some channels where you can find a lot of inspiration for topics:
Google: On Google you can find lots of articles about celebrities and politicians that you can use to your advantage. I would search for certain lists and create a video around a specific celebrity/politician from that list, while keeping in mind which celebrities/politicians viewers like to watch.
I looked at the competitor channel The Ultimate Expedition to determine which topics the audience likes best. It struck me that the viewer likes the idea of secrets being revealed or new information being shared with them. The best video was about Barron Trump, Donald Trump's son. When I searched on this title, I noticed that other channels have made the same video and that this video has gone viral on multiple channels. What I take from this is that the public is interested in the lives of children of Republican politicians. For that reason, I went Google searching for the most famous Republican politicians and their children. I think it is important that the politician is still alive and active. That's how I ended up with Sarah Palin.
Title example
Thumbnail example
How to create your thumbnail?
For this video, I am going to look for a photo of Bristol Palin in which she looks unhappy or sad. We want to evoke in the viewer the feeling as if she is possibly hiding something she is not happy about. It is important that it's a well lit photo, but the photo should not look too posed. The photo should have proper exposure or be edited in a way that makes the photo stand out as the viewer scrolls among all the other videos on similar topics. It should appear to be a candid photo, as if the photographer/papparazi managed to capture Bristol Palin in the moment and not as if she posed while knowing she was being photographed. You can delete the background and swap it for a more plain background so all the attention goes to Bristol Palin.
Possible photos to use:
• Photo 1 (delete the MTV watermarks)
• Photo 2
• Photo 3
Eventually, if you have followed all the steps, this will be the final result:
End result

Articles/video references
Creating the title
Thumbnail example
End result

What does the audience like?
Famous people
The public feels connected to certain famous people and likes to show it in the comments.
Most viewers are religious and are highly motivated to show this in the comments.
In general, the audience is a bit older. As a result, they are more emotionally involved with older celebrities. This reminds them of the past.
What does the audience not like?
Not giving specific or accurate information
Make sure you have your facts straight or else your audience will be happy to point out the flaws in your script.
Make sure you don't use overly misleading titles and thumbnails.