Cyber Crime/Dark web

Why this
DISCLAIMER: If you are a beginner, I would not recommend starting in this niche. You must have some knowledge about creating quality content or having a great team. However, if you have the experience, this is a fantastic niche with numerous opportunities, untouched topics and a strong audience. Most of the channels I found that post about these topics either don't post frequently enough or only post about them occasionally, even when they get amazing results. I believe you will be successful if you can create some quality content, post frequently, and stay in this niche so that YouTube can easily find your audience and your audience knows where to find videos about these topics.
Success chance
Saturation level
Experience level
- 1. United States
- 2. United Kingdom
- 3. Europe
Competition ANALYSIS
These channels are showing potential for this niche.
Topic analysis
Video rating
Video analysis
It's a good idea to start your videos with clips from news channels, interviews, or something similar because it shows that the story was serious enough to make the news and gets your attention.
From here, great story telling
From here, I really like the script, and what makes it interesting is that they jump from event to event, so the viewers are always getting something new, which keeps them watching. For this project, make sure to hire a great scriptwriter who understands how to tell a story.
Great research
This channel has clearly done a lot of investigating on this topic. However, creating high-quality content takes time, so you have to find a balance between uploading enough content and producing high-quality content. But always prioritize quality over quantity. If you can upload less videos but they are insane, that's fine. Finding a way to scale it is always an easier problem to fix than creating quality content.
Real proof [IMPORTANT]
This is a big reason why their videos are getting so many views. The ability to tell a story is important, but backing up your story with evidence makes your story much stronger and more interesting to watch. Forget about fancy editing effects, showing the right footage and proof that's following your voice over is one of the most important aspects of YouTube Automation, especially in this niche. Sunny V2's channel is also doing a great job on this (also the story telling part), you can learn a lot from that channel that you can apply to this niche as well. And please, don't use stock footage.
To many clips
I would recommend starting with clips as I mentioned in the Do's. But they used a little too many clips from various moments and that can be too overwhelming. Keep it simple.
Title analysis
In general, I like how they structure their titles. What you frequently see in their titles is the use of numbers to make their titles more triggering. This is something you should definitely use for your own titles. Aside from that, they use some nice trigger words from which we can definitely learn.
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Used trigger words
- Stole
- Dodged
- Hackers
- Mistake
- Most Wanted
- Caught
- Billion
Thumbnail analysis
Used thumbnail 1
❌ To much text
People will only have a split second to decide if they will click on your video or not. Nobody will read that much text. So keep it short and only use 3 words and make them really big.
Used thumbnail 2
✅ Better focus points
This is what I meant by using less text. Just three big words and making one red is great and easy to focus on. I sometimes use this trick for myself. Take a thumbnail and zoom out to 50% on a web browser for example. What catches your eye? Can you still follow your thumbnail? Or can't you barely see anything anymore? If you still can see the text and follow your thumbnail, you're on the right spot. If you can't, you need to change it to less focus points
Used thumbnail 3
✅ Thumbnail format
This channel's thumbnail format has received millions of views, so it should work. However, I believe you can improve it, so I have done so in the "lets create your video" section.
Used thumbnail 4
Revenue analysis
Because they don't upload very frequently, these numbers will not provide a good estimate or analysis. But they still get 400K views per month. Consider how much money you could make if you uploaded three or four times a week.
On the one hand, these videos are tech-related, the sponsors are VPNs, and you have a US audience, meaning that the target audience can have a high RPM of $7-9. But on the other hand, the audience may be young, and the crime genre has an RPM of around $4. These RPM numbers are also calculated on videos that are 8-12 minutes long. If you make your videos as long as the reference channel is doing, your RPM will be much higher, but you will have to pay more to your freelancers.
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Code Green
Topic analyses
Video rating
Video analyses
The script shows that they did a lot of investigating on this topic. That's one of the main reasons I believe he gets views because I can't think of anything else positive.
From 00:15 to 00:27 nothing happens. No voice actor talks, only pictures are shown, and it just lasts for almost 15 seconds. You want the attention to stay as high as possible with your audience, so this is definitely not useful to put in your video.
Background music
Background music has the power to make or break a video, and this is a perfect example. This is the type of music you can use later in your video when there is a happy ending or someone has accomplished something amazing after a lot of hard work. But not at the beginning of your video.
Giving credit
Only give credits in your video when it is absolutely necessary. This article can be found on a news website, and simply mentioning (only if you want to) the article and its author in your description is enough because you aren't breaking any copyright rules. And the creator of this video chose to use 10 seconds in his introduction to this author. If you don't want a good AVD, do something like this, but it will cause a lot of people to skip or worse, leave your video.
Bad script/voice over
You can clearly hear that the voice over is reading the script and the script is really boring to listen to. This is a great example on how important it is to have a great story teller and someone who knows how to write a good story. There is to much that is going wrong here to cover. Just don't take a example out of it.
Again misplaced music
I am not attempting to be rude, but this is the type of music that bad dropshippers use in their ads selling low-quality Chinese products. Look for music that has been used in television murder mysteries. It has to create a feeling of tension along with curiosity/excitement. Background music is so important in your video that if the creator had chosen a better sound, he could have hidden the fact that his script and voice over work were bad.
Stock footage
You already know how much I dislike it when a creator uses stock footage. In this case, he tries to cover it up with effects, but you can still tell it's stock footage. Please do your best to avoid it at all costs. If you have no other option, go for it, but try to avoid making it look like stock footage.
Title analyses
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Code Green
Used trigger words
- Hacked
- AI Hackers
- Cheated
- Internet
- The Largest Teen Hacking Group
- The Nerdy Hacker
- Fear
- Stripper
Thumbnail analyses
Code Green
Used thumbnail 1
They Hacked Into Lowess Using A Pringles Can
This is an great example of a thumbnail that relies on its title to function properly. Great thumbnail in terms of design, and I understand what they were attempting. However, I believe they made it too difficult for themselves. For instance, consider the following title: He STOLE $640 BILLION or He Hacked with a PRINGLES CAN! If you use the first title as your title in combination with a different thumbnail and explain in your video that he did it with a Pringles can, I think you'll have a great story to tell. Some things trigger more strongly in a story than in a thumbnail.
Code Green
Used thumbnail 2
The Man Who Hacked NASA By Himself
Again, a thumbnail that relies entirely on its title, otherwise you don't understand anything. The title isn't bad, but the thumbnail doesn't do anything for me. I would have chosen the format described in the "lets create your video" section down below and change the title for something like this: He Hacked NASA from his Bedroom
Code Green
Used thumbnail 3
✅ Few focus points
I'm not saying this is a good thumbnail but this thumbnail is really easy to follow because there isn't much going on.
Code Green
Used thumbnail 4
Revenue analyses
This channel only uploads once a week at the moment and there is so much to improve. If you can manage to upload more and improve all the points, there so much more to get out of this niche.
On the one hand, these videos are tech-related, the sponsors are VPNs, and you have a US audience, meaning that the target audience can have a high RPM of $7-9. But on the other hand, the audience may be young, and the crime genre has an RPM of around $4. These RPM numbers are also calculated on videos that are 8-12 minutes long. If you make your videos as long as the reference channel is doing, your RPM will be much higher, but you will have to pay more to your freelancers.
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Did you check the other competitor channel?
We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.
Lets create
your video
Who is our target audience?
Topic example
Where to find topics?
I have found out 3 great sources where you or your team can start looking for topics:
27 Most Notorious Hacks In History
Darknet podcast This podcast is being frequently listened to by your target audience, so you can learn a lot from it, and you can also find some pretty amazing stories there. You can also download the transcript so you don't have to listen to it for hours.
Journalist Andy Greenberg Andy Greenberg is a journalist who is writing a lot of amazing stories
Google.com or ChatGPT: Look for hacking groups, hacking heist, biggest hacks ever, most notorious hackers etc.
What else
What we learned from our analyses is that we need to look for topics where you can use big numbers in your titles and find a lot of proof to use in your video analyses. Another thing to note is that every video on the Crumb channel has a face on every thumbnail, so it probably works best if you have a topic that can be linked to a face.
Topic example
The Polynetwork hack is one of the largest crypto hacks and has a fascinating story. There is a lot of information and proof in the video below that will help you create a great video. The only drawback to this story is that the hackers have not been caught and no face has been revealed, so we must be a little creative with the thumbnail.
Title example
Thumbnail example
Searching for an image
We have to be a little creative because we have this topic has no name or face to reveal, but we also know that putting a face on a thumbnail works. So I searched Google for a picture of someone who looked like a hacker and found this one:

We're going to use the same format as Crumb and tweak it here and there to make it stand out more.
End result

Black bar with text
Because we don't want to reveal that guy's face, I've added a black bar in front of his eyes. At the same time, it makes it more interesting because black bars are used for criminals. And I chose to include text in there to inform the target audience that it is about a hacker because no one recognizes his face.
Red background color
Red creates contrast with the blue details and has been used frequently for "evil" purposes. If you use blue as a background color, for example, your thumbnail will become soft and lack contrast.
Short text
People will scan your thumbnails rather than read them, so keep it to 3/4 words.
Articles/video references
Creating the title
Thumbnail example
End result

What does the audience like?
Teens hacking
What is very interesting and good to know, is that the audience enjoys seeing topics about teens hacking online.
Appreciate talent
Even though it may sound strange, there are also many comments about how they can still appreciate the hackers' talent.
Good research
Several comments indicated that they really liked the research because it goes just a bit further than any other channel.
What does the audience not like?
I couldn't find anything apart from the obvious
I read through a lot of comments but couldn't find anything useful. Everyone is reacting to what's going on in the video, which is exactly what you want as a content creator.