Analysed by 
YouTube Automation Expert

Disturbing Paintings

This niche was published on
Sep 25, 2024
This Evil Painting Should Actually Be HIDDEN
1.3M views · 2 days ago
Disturbing Paintings
Disturbing Paintings
Disturbing Paintings
Disturbing Paintings

Why this



In this niche, I found a channel that only started 4 months ago, which has an obvious pattern with videos that have gone immensely viral. Not many new channels have started in this niche, so the competition is on the low side. Besides, the bigger channels in this niche shows us that a big audience is waiting for you. So If you like a niche where you can cover some very dark, disturbing topics about paintings, then this niche is for you.

Success chance


Saturation level


Experience level




Male audience
Female audience
  • 1. United Kingdom
  • 2. United States
  • 3. Australia
  • 4. Canada
Average age


What does the audience like?


Dark, disturbing paintings

This audience likes to watch disturbing, dark, paintings. This audience is somewhat on the younger side and finds it interesting to know the backstory of an artist who creates disturbing paintings. The more extreme, the better.


God, spirit trinity, and the devil/demons

This target audience is triggered by topics related to topics that are obviously about disturbing paintings, but you can trigger them even more if God, the Bible or the devil is brought into the script.



What I've also seen a lot in the comments is the language the target audience speaks. They enjoy making jokes about these serious topics and shows us that they are mainly triggered by the titles, thumbnails and dark topics.


What does the audience not like?

not like


I think this does apply to almost every niche, but I noticed that it has been named a little more often here in the comments.

not like




Competition ANALYSIS

These channels are showing potential for this niche.

Sep 25, 2024
Nov 8, 2023
8-17 min
41 videos


Topic analysis

This Painting Terrified an Entire Government. Here's Why.
1.4M views • 3 months ago
Every Symbolism in The Garden of Earthly Delights Explained
13K views • 3 months ago
The Haunting Paintings of Alfred Kubin
3K views • 1 day ago
Julius Caesar Didn't See THIS Coming...
2.6K views • 4 months ago

This rating is based on the analysis and research we have done.

1 star = Extremely bad
2 stars = Bad
3 stars = Good, but a lot of room for improvement
4 stars = Great with some room for improvement
5 stars = Excelent, there is almost no room for improvement

Video rating

Video analysis


Click on timestamp


Create tension

I don't necessarily want to say that you have to copy this, but when I started watching this video I immediately got a certain disturbing feeling from the first seconds of this video because of this image. Also at 00:03, they add another flickering video effect which makes it feel even more suspenseful. The fact that they start the story right after that, ensures that the viewer gets the value they clicked for soon enough. Interresting start of the video.


Great voice over but..

Great deep voice with great pacing, but I would only go for a British accent if you're 100% sure that the target audience is mainly British. I think everyone can watch these videos so in that case I would go for an American voice-over.


Start the story right away

The fact that they jump straight into the story right after sharing the quote for a few seconds is a must. Give the viewer what they clicked for, and try to start the story always as soon as possible.


Nice background music

Using this kind of background music makes the video much more thrilling to watch, and that's also the way I would go in this niche.


Thrilling sound effect

I like that they use these kinds of sound effects because they can give the viewer a certain feeling and keep the video in this way more suspenseful.


Great script

'In today's video, I will present one of the most terrifying works I have ever come across...'

The fact that they briefly mention what’s coming up in the video works well here, and it raises a lot of questions. They made a statement with saying that he has never seen anything like this before and that will be a huge trigger for the viewer to continue watching the video. Great script!


Trigger the target audience

'Let me tell you in advance that this curious human silhouette is Lucifer, the fallen angel from the Bible, which makes it even more intriguing...'

What stands out to me is that they talk about "Lucifer, the fallen angel from the Bible," and then use a thumbnail with Jesus in their second most popular video. This shows us that this audience is really interested in faith-related topics, so it's a smart move to mention this in the script because it will definitely trigger the audience.


Nice footage

I really like the fact that they use a lot of real footage. The video editing is good, they use nice effects and good footage. By using a lot of real footage, you make sure your video gets more real and the viewer gets even better into the story. Nice editing!


A nice transition with a thrilling sound effect

This is a good example of how to make sure the viewer gets fully into the story. By adding these types of transitions with a disturbing sound effect, you create tension in your video and make the viewer look forward to what follows next. Great transition!



A bit too drawn out

We're now at 4:30 minutes into the video, and I've heard almost no triggering hooks. In fact, this was exactly the moment when it became a bit drawn out for me, as this is also the longest chapter in the video. To make sure this doesn't happen to the viewer, I would add a lot more hooks in the script myself. As an example:

- But if you thought that was all, you're wrong...
- But here is where the story gets even more interesting...
- But no one expected what happened next....

This Painting Terrified an Entire Government. Here's Why.
1.4M views • 3 months ago


Click on timestamp


This rating is based on the analysis and research we have done.

1 star = Extremely bad
2 stars = Bad
3 stars = Good, but a lot of room for improvement
4 stars = Great with some room for improvement
5 stars = Excelent, there is almost no room for improvement


Title analysis


Used title 1

This Painting <span class="text-color-orange">Terrified</span> an Entire <span class="text-color-yellow">Government.</span> Here's Why.

An excellent title structure that I would definitely use for this niche myself. The reason why is because it raises a lot of questions and that is exactly what you want to create with your title. I'll always say that the title should trigger the audience so much, that they have to click on the video to find out the answer. (or it has to be very shocking). So, if we take a look at this title then they litterally say 'Here's Why', so you give them actually a reason to click. The title structure they used here goes as follows:

• This Painting [TRIGGERWORD] + [TOPIC] + Here's Why.

Other examples:

• This Painting SHOCKED The Whole World. Here's Why.

• This Painting HORRIFIED Everyone In the City. Here's Why.


Used title 2

The <span class="text-color-orange">Disturbing</span> Painting That No One Can Solve

A kind of different title structure, but just as triggering and questioning if you ask me. Trigger words are used and at the end there's a high chance that the viewer is left with this question they got from reading the title. They are probably left wondering why can't anyone solve this? What is going on? As a result: Click. So also with this title, they used an excellent title structure that you can certainly take an example from for in this niche. The title structure they used here goes as follows:

• The [TRIGGERWORD] + Painting + [TOPIC]

Other examples:

• The TERRIFYING Painting That Supposed To Be HIDDEN.

• The SHOCKING Painting That Wasn't Meant For Public Viewing.


Used title 3

Why the <span class="text-color-yellow">Vatican</span> Is <span class="text-color-orange">Hiding</span> This Painting From Us

You've probably seen by now in other niche analysis that most of the time I'm not a fan of a query title because you can't make a statement with it. So, this is a perfect example of the opposite, because here they clearly state why and that sparks a lot of curiosity. So this is another title structure that you can definitively use for in this niche. Great title!


Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:

Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)

Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)


Used trigger words

  • Disturbing
  • Paintings
  • Terrified
  • Goverment
  • Vatican
  • No One Can Solve
  • Goya Painting
  • Innocent
  • Dark Paiting
  • Obsessed
  • Hitler
  • Jesus
  • Mysterious
  • Banned
  • 1933
  • Hidden message
  • Underrated Painting
  • Ghost Painting
  • Lucifer Painting

This rating is based on the analysis and research we have done.

1 star = Extremely bad
2 stars = Bad
3 stars = Good, but a lot of room for improvement
4 stars = Great with some room for improvement
5 stars = Excelent, there is almost no room for improvement


Thumbnail analysis


Used thumbnail 1

Great thumbnail, but I would change some details

This thumbnail is great because I see a maximum of 3 focus points, a red arrow giving the viewer extra focus on the painting, and on the right side the zoomed in part. Also, the red lines on this thumbnail are a must because the photo itself is very dark and does not stand out enough. But, I think it could be even better. As you can see, they also use 2 different kinds of red and I would personally limit that to the same bright color red that you can use in Photoshop (ff0000) because it will stand out even more. Besides, I think the arrow is pointing in the wrong way, and it would be clearer if the arrow was pointing toward the zoomed in part if you ask me. I know these are small details, but also by adjusting those small things on your thumbnail, the outcome can already look very different.


Used thumbnail 2

Could be better

I like the idea of this thumbnail: A triggering text with a red circle, black background and the painting on the right side. But, I find it too chaotic and I think it could be better if we actually keep the thumbnail style of thumbnail 1. Just show the painting combined with this text: BUT NO ONE NOTICED... and add a red arrow pointing to a blurred area, so the viewer has to click on the video to find out the answer.


Used thumbnail 3


Used thumbnail 4


Revenue analysis

I think you can definitely create longer videos for this niche, which will raise your RPM. And also by uploading more and make better choices in terms of topics, I think you can get much more out of this. Also for sponsors this can be a great niche and the creator of this channel also created a print on demand shop where the audience can shop the paintings on phone cases or buy the paintings. So there are many ways to increase your revenue then just by YouTube revenue alone.

Monthly views
RPM prediction
Monthly income
Yearly income
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Sep 25, 2024

Video rating

Video analyses






Title analyses

Used Title 1

Title 2

Title 3


Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:

Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)

Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)

Used trigger words


Thumbnail analyses

Used thumbnail 1

Used thumbnail 2

Used thumbnail 3

Used thumbnail 4


Revenue analyses

Monthly views
RPM prediction
Monthly income
Yearly income
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research

Did you check the other competitor channel?

We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.

Check it out
If you checked all of them, keep scrolling

Lets create

your video

Who is our target audience?

British males and females between the age of 30 and 55 that are interested in videos between 8-17 minutes about disturbing paintings.


Topic example

How to find topics?

To find good topics in this niche, it's crucial to first analyze the competition to see which topics gain traction and which don't. During my analysis, I realized the target audience is much younger than I initially thought. If you read through the comments, you'll notice that this group doesn’t take the paintings too seriously and that they're more drawn in by the storytelling style, titles, and thumbnails.

So while watching the competition channel Inspiraggio, I even got the sense they're leaning into some kind of conspiracy theories, especially with the quotes they feature at the start of their most popular video, the choice of background music, and the overall tone. And don't get me wrong because I don't want to say that you literally need to make conspiracy videos, but it has a small touch of it at times. They often make the topics quite dark, frequently referencing religion and talking about the devil, etc.

To continue on that for a moment, let's look at the most popular videos. I see the first topic is about a painting of Lucifer 'a fallen angle from the bible' and the 2nd most popular video is about a painting with a 3 headed Jesus. Besides, the most important part of this niche is that it consist of artists who lived in the 19th century who created strange, disturbing paintings. Now, I may hear you thinking how am I going to find these topics? I will explain that to you below.

Google: The best way to search topics within this niche is via simply using Google. I used the keywords: 'paintings with disturbing backstories' and lots of results came up:

• https://www.grunge.com/231293/famous-works-of-art-with-messed-up-backstories/

• https://www.thecollector.com/francisco-goya-madness-back-paintings/

• https://www.darkgloomyart.com/blogs/articles/10-unsettling-historical-paintings

• https://gallerythane.com/blogs/news/the-most-disturbing-paintings-of-all-time


Reddit: Also on Reddit, you can find a lot of topic inspiration:

• https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtistLounge/comments/1enbs7i/what_are_some_scary_paintings_or_iconic_painting/

• https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/icc06j/what_famous_picture_actually_has_a_disturbing/

ChatGPT: You can definitely use ChatGPT for some topic inspiration. I simply asked for 5 examples of disturbing, dark paintings of the 19th century having to do with religion, and this is what Chat came up with:

Here are 5 examples of disturbing, dark religious-themed paintings from the 19th century:

  1. "The Last Judgement" (1861) by Jean-Baptiste Mauzaisse
    Depicting the apocalyptic final judgement, this work shows souls being separated into those ascending to heaven and those being dragged into hell, creating a terrifying, dark atmosphere.
  2. "The Nightmare" (1781) by Henry Fuseli
    Although painted in the late 18th century, its influence lasted into the 19th. Fuseli's surreal and unsettling depiction of demonic oppression can be tied to fears of spiritual torment.
  3. "The Vision of Saint John" (1800) by William Blake
    Blake's depiction of the biblical Apocalypse, inspired by the Book of Revelation, is haunting with nightmarish visions of angels, beasts, and end-of-the-world imagery.
  4. "Satan Smiting Job with Sore Boils" (1826) by William Blake
    This painting portrays Satan tormenting the biblical figure Job, highlighting the brutal and oppressive nature of Satan in religious contexts. The anguish and grotesque detail give it a disturbing quality.
  5. "The Fallen Angel" (1847) by Alexandre Cabanel
    A portrayal of Lucifer right after his fall from grace, with tears of rage and sorrow. The beauty and tragedy of the figure contrast with the darker, underlying theme of rebellion and damnation.

YouTube: On YouTube I mainly found the bigger channels in terms of competition, but that does not mean that you can't find topic inspiration here as well. Besides, this also shows us that the target audience is there, and our competition channel Inspiraggio shows that it is possible to achieve success within 4 months in this niche.

• https://www.youtube.com/@inspiraggio/videos

• https://www.youtube.com/@Art_Deco

• https://www.youtube.com/@TheCanvasArtHistory/videos (look at most popular)


When you look at the most popular videos from the competition channel, you see that the videos with scary thumbnails are performing best. So when searching for your topic, I would recommend by start looking for a scary painting first and then check if the story about the painting is shocking as well. Because there are many paintings that have a shocking story but don't look scary at all, and you need a painting that looks scary, weird or shocking for your thumbnail.

So I simply typed into Google: "Scary paintings" and clicked on "images" and looked for a shocking painting. Then I saw a painting of a human/creature eating a child which looked shocking by itself. Then I looked up the article and found out that the story of this painting is about a man eating his son which made this painting even more shocking.

Articles/video references


Title example

This Evil Painting Should Actually Be HIDDEN

How to create your title?

I already mentioned this title format in the competition analysis so you can have a look there as well for more inspiration. I also to choose to use the word "evil" because part of the target audience is Christian so that should probably be triggering for them.

Title format you can use:


Other examples:

  • This TERRIFYING Painting Supposed To Be Hidden
  • This HORRIFYING Painting Wasn't Meant For The Public


Thumbnail example

How to create your thumbnail?

As I already mentioned in the "choosing your topic" section, the topic you choose has to be about a disturbing/shocking/scary painting, otherwise it will be hard to create a great thumbnail. So here is the painting that this topic is about:

Creating format + lightening

Because we see that the thumbnail format of the competition works very well, I would adopt that. So to create that we have to showcase the painting on the left side and on the right side we have a zoomed in version on the disturbing part. Besides that I added some brightness to the painting to make it standout even more.

Creating evil eyes

I saw at the competition that the good thumbnails had one thing in common and that is that the eyes looked devilish. I don't know if that was edited in by them, but I think it makes the thumbnails much better. So to create that I first filled the eyes with a brush with the color white/green. Then I googled "laser eyes png" and added this image on top of the eyes which will create a glow effect.

Red outline and arrow

So the last thing that's left is a red outline around the zoomed painting and add an arrow from left to right. The competition is pointing the arrow from right to left which I don't understand because you want to point the arrow to the disturbing part.

This is the end result:


End result

This Evil Painting Should Actually Be HIDDEN
1.3M views · 2 days ago

Articles/video references


Creating the title


Thumbnail example


End result

This Evil Painting Should Actually Be HIDDEN
1.3M views · 2 days ago

Articles/video references


Creating the title


Thumbnail example


End result

This Evil Painting Should Actually Be HIDDEN
1.3M views · 2 days ago

Let’s talk


👀 Possible views

🤝 Cost per video

💰 RPM prediction

🏧 Income prediction


Important note

This is one of the older niches from Faceless Niches. And because of that, we cannot guarantee that all of the data in this niche is still relevant today. You can see in the competition analyses when we updated this niche last.

Before diving into any niche on Faceless Niches, we always suggest doing your own research as well. But because this is an older niche, it is even more important to do that.