Family Crimes

Why this
I know there are many crime channels already, and the crime niche looks pretty saturated. But still I saw some channels doing really well that starting not too long ago in this family crime sub-niche. There is a great target audience and plenty of views left on the table if you ask me.
Success chance
Saturation level
Experience level
- 1. United States
- 2. Australia
- 3. United Kingdom
- 3. Canada
- 5. Europe
Competition ANALYSIS
These channels are showing potential for this niche.
True Crime - Jack
Topic analysis

Video rating
Video analysis
First of all, I don't think this is good or bad, but I do think this is something that can trigger the viewer a lot, and that's why I put it under do's. Why? Because people come here because they want to see a terrifying story. And if you show them a warning in the first seconds of your video then they may get the feeling that what they're about to see could be something shocking, because most of the time that's exactly why these kinds of warnings are being used. So this is a very good trick, because if you look at the warning itself, it's not that shocking at all. However, I would show this warning not longer than one second. If the viewer has read the word WARNING, then this is already enough. Because that is the only thing that will trigger them at that moment.
This is interesting to see, because this is obviously an AI voice over introducing itself with the name 'Jack.'
There are many people in the comments thanking 'Jack' for the story. By adding this to the script, you can create a better connection with the target audience. They can get the feeling that Jack is a real person telling a story to them, and by introducing himself, you make the script much more personal. But... I've also seen a number of comments where people point out that they hear quite clearly that this is an AI voice over and that they don't like that. So I would rather look for an actual voice over that introduces itself with a certain name, to avoid these kinds of comments.
Real footage
This channel makes a lot of use of real footage, which is great! I have mentioned this before in other niches, but the more real footage the better. The only thing I do notice is because there is probably not a lot of footage from this topic, they show the pictures for too long. In that case, I would still show some (good) stock footage here and there. With good stockfootage i mean footage of a city, dark shadows etc. Also, the video editor could go into a bit more detail than what they are doing now. I will go in to further details about this at don'ts.
This takes too long
It takes 13 seconds for the narrator to tell his story. The first few seconds of the video are the most important, which is why you prefer to get straight to the point. Therefore, this intro is way too long. Get straight to the point and don't give the viewer time to click away at the beginning of the video, because that's exactly what they do here. Start your video with an 911 call voice over or camera footage, whatever you have available to give the viewer where they clicked for.
Boring video editing
This video editing could be a lot better. It's not terrible, because as I mentioned above they make good use of showing real footage, but the editing itself is just very boring. Just pictures that are shown for too long with a simple swipe effect, and it goes on like that throughout the whole video. Especially at 1:18, a lot more pictures or clips could have been added to this. For example, the city he grew up in. The editor could have easily shown a picture/video of the city, so you go into a little more detail and tell the story better with more footage, instead of continuously staring at his picture.


Title analysis
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
True Crime - Jack
Used trigger words
- Shocking Death
- Detective
- Nightmare Honeymoon
- Dead Bodies
- Horrifying
- Mysterious
- Solved Case
- Marriage
- Horror
- Creepy Family Truth
- Burned Them Alive
- Cops
- A Living Hell
- Tragic Story
Thumbnail analysis
True Crime - Jack
Used thumbnail 1

✅ 3 Focus points
A couple, text and arrow/background, great 3 focus points! We see quite obviously a married couple on the thumbnail here, which triggers the target audience a lot. The text is a bit too long. Try not to use more then 3 words in your thumbnails.
True Crime - Jack
Used thumbnail 2

✅ Real photo in the background
This target audience loves real crime, so using 'real photo's' on your thumbnails, will make your thumbnail come to life and trigger your audience more than a house in the background.
True Crime - Jack
Used thumbnail 3

✅ Triggering text
This is exactly what this audience wants to see: Nightmare honeymoons. A married couple where it goes completely wrong, great choice!
True Crime - Jack
Used thumbnail 4
True Crime - Jack
Revenue analysis
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
True Crime Stories
Topic analyses

Video rating
Video analyses
I think these are two channels from the same owner, or these channels just copy each other a lot because the intro is exactly the same as channel 1, same voice over, same editing style and as you can see you get the same warning here as well. As I indicated on channel 1, I think this is not good or bad, and it can definitely be triggering for the viewer if you show this for one or two seconds.
Introduces himself again
On channel 1 he introduces himself as Jack, and now his name is Mark. This is really interesting to see because obviously they are using this as a trick to make the channel more personal and be able to connect more with the target audience. But, as I also indicated on channel 1, this is a choice that you have to consider for yourself, because there are also comments where people indicate that they do not appreciate this AI voice over.
Great script
''Jennifer Dulos, a doting mother was never seen again by her five kids and family... This shocking event threw the police into a deep investigation, which uncovered an even more shocking truth...''
This is a very strong start of the video because it makes the viewer curious about the rest of the story. Through this script you get straight to the point and it can raise a lot of questions such as: What happened? What exactly is so shocking? Will she still be alive? As a result: the viewer continues to watch. And that's exactly what we want.
Real photo's of the case
Also with this channel, they use a lot of real footage and I see a lot of real photos of the case itself. Even if the quality is not good, and you can hardly see anything, it is still good to use this kind of photos because it brings the viewer even more into the story and really feels that this is a true crime story, so the quality doesn't always matter. It's all about the message.
No sound effects
What I miss in this video is the using sound effects. Especially if you have a good hook in your script, ask the editor if he can put a frightening sound effect underneath so that the hook becomes even more thrilling. This is the same with channel 1, there they also use almost no sound effects and that is something I would definitely add in this niche. Obviously not too often, but if you have, for example, something in your script like:
But if you thought this was the worst, then you're wrong. *soundeffect.*
This allows you to build the tension well in the video and will make the story even more thrilling to watch.


Title analyses
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
True Crime Stories
Used trigger words
- Betrayal
- Heartbreaking Case
- Murder
- Unexplainable
- Unbelievable
- Twisted Case
- Kidnapped
- Murdered
- Final Hours
- Secret Life
- Deadly
- Inexplicable
Thumbnail analyses
True Crime Stories
Used thumbnail 1
✅ Sons of a good husband
Almost every popular video on channels 1 and 2 has the text 'Sons of a good husband' on its thumbnail. Definitely a text to try out on one of your thumbnails.
True Crime Stories
Used thumbnail 2

❌ Too chaotic
Here we see another good example of how your thumbnail will look like when you use more than 3 focus points. Faces are huge focus points and in this thumbnail to many faces are used. Try to always use a maximum of 3 focus points in your thumbnail to keep your thumbnail easy to follow.
True Crime Stories
Used thumbnail 3
True Crime Stories
Used thumbnail 4
True Crime - Jack
Revenue analyses
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Did you check the other competitor channel?
We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.
Lets create
your video
Who is our target audience?
Topic example
How do I find topics?
In this sub-niche, it is important to focus on choosing the right topics that deal with family crimes. Since this target audience consists mainly out of women (mothers), I would start by searching for a topic where the husband cheated on his wife and has done something horrible to her. So, how am I going to find these topics?
Google: On Google, I simply searched for: husband murders his wife and then clicked on "news. There you can see a whole list of news articles, and you can also see the date when the article was published. I would definitely keep an eye on that in this niche, because then you can be the first to know when a family crime has happened.
Youtube: You can also find many topics on Youtube, I would start with the competition channels. Which topics are doing well? Based on how many times that topic has been done, you would make a choice to see if you could improve it. If the answer is yes, then you could choose that topic. If not, I would look further on Youtube at other crime channels and do the exact same thing.
Tiktok: I searched on: husband murders wife and I found a lot of interesting potential topics as well:
I started searching on Google on 'cheating husband kills wife' and then came across this article: https://thecrimewire.com/true-crime/true-crime-stories-cheating-men-murder-wives
I continued my research on the case of Michael Alan Roseboro and typed in his name on Google. As I also mentioned during the analysis, in this crime niche you need to be able to find enough real footage because otherwise the video editor has to use a lot of stock footage and that's exactly what you don't want. So, I saw that there were a lot of photos showing up on Google about this case, and then I continued my research on Youtube. Has this topic been done many times? And which channels already covered this topic? How many views? If you see that a topic has been done before by a channel that has a lot of subscribers and that the video has been watched for almost a million times, I would not choose that topic. I do have 1 exception: if you see that a topic has been done before, but you think you can improve that video, then you can make an exception.
To get back to the topic: This case that I found is on Youtube, but I was unable to find a "major" channel that covered this case, so that looked good to me. If you type in the name Michael Alan Roseboro on Youtube, you can find many videos that could be valuable for your video editor such as news broadcasts, interrogation investigations with the woman he cheated with etc. I will put these links down below.
Title example
Thumbnail example
How to create your thumbnail?
We want to create the same thumbnail style as the competition channels are doing because it looks like those thumbnails are performing well. So what we need to look for is a picture of the family, the event that happened and a triggering text.
I started looking for a picture of Michael Alan Roseboro with his wife on Google and I found this picture:

Then I started looking if there is any footage available of the event that happened in that family but unfortunately, I couldn't find anything. If that happens to you as well, you need to be a little creative and start looking for footage of events happened in a home and is filmed by a camera or doorbell camera or anything like that. As we have learned from our analyses, the target audience are mainly women and are probably having a family. They are getting triggered when they see something happening in or around a house because it's realistic for their situation. So I typed into Google 'rape home camera' and I found this picture:

At this picture it looks like you're seeing a kid, but because it's blurry, and you can't see it clearly, it will raise a lot of questions for the audience and they want to click on your thumbnail to confirm if it's a kid. So that's why I really like this picture (not the situation off course, I only check if a situation will get you clicks or not) because it will trigger your audience a lot.
End result

What did I do?
- Family picture: I cut out the family photo and placed it in the bottom right corner of the canvas. I prefer to position faces on the left of the canvas and text on the right since people tend to focus on faces first, followed by the rest of the thumbnail. And, because the target audience is primarily from the west, people read from left to right, making it easier for them to scan your thumbnail. But the photo did not turn out well due to a cutting edge from the original image, so I had no alternative but to place them on the bottom right of the canvas.
- Background image: I zoomed in on the background image and added a red circle around it to draw moreattention to it. You can also usean arrow instead, but an arrow may also act as a new focus point, and I don't want to have more than three focus points.
- Text: I chose for the text 'killed his wife' to make it look like that is what happening on the background image, which will result in triggering the target audience a lot. The text doesn't have more than 3 words, which will make it easy to read.
- Details: If you look closely, you can notice a red gradient at the top and bottom of the thumbnail. When used with the red blood in the background, it will make your thumbnail appear more bloody.
Articles/video references
Creating the title
Thumbnail example
End result

What does the audience like?
Tragic stories of family murders
This audience loves watching tragic family murders. This could be a husband killing her wife, a wife killing her husband. This target audience consists mainly of women, mothers.
Good storytelling
This audience loves good storytelling. What stands out in the comments is that they often mention the voice over by name in the comments. (Jack). This is because the voice over starts his video with: ''Hi guys, my name is Jack and today we're going to take a look at another horrible case..'' And because of that, I assume they like the fact that he makes the script a little more personal with that.
Cheaters and lying men
This is a real women's (mothers) audience. They want to warn each other about cheating/lying men and express their feelings about it in the comments.
What does the audience not like?
Calling them by two different names
This is one of the comments I came across showing that sometimes it is hard to follow for the audience when the narrator talks about two different names in one sentence. For example, a first and last name of someone. It's about the same person, but a different name is used.
Robot voice over
This target audience does not like a robot AI voice over. They value someone who can tell the story in a good way without sounding like a robot.