F1 News Memes

Why this
I found a channel in this niche where the competition channel shows that even in a saturated niche, you can still achieve success. Once you understand how this format works, there is a large audience waiting for you. The channel I found only uploaded 8 videos and achieved instant views with their first video. This is a very interesting format, and the competition channel gives us the confirmation that there are still plenty of opportunities within this niche. Besides that, the F1 season is almost going to start, so that means a lot of viewers are interested in F1 again with a lot of potential news/topics are coming in.
Success chance
Saturation level
Experience level
- 1. United Kingdom
- 2. United States
- 3. Europe
Competition ANALYSIS
These channels are showing potential for this niche.
This competition channel shows that a saturated niche can still achieve success. Because, I know you may be thinking now: isn't f1 oversaturated? Yes it is, but apparently not if you approach it this way. The strategy they use for this channel is something that many other channels do not use, and that is exactly what this target audience likes so much. The combination of a personal script, humor, memes and sarcasm is what makes this channel so successful. Also to mention, the F1 season is starting within a few weeks so that means 2 things, a lot of new viewers and a lot of new drama/news coming in. So if there is a chance to jump into the F1 niche, this is the way to go.
Topic analysis

Video rating
Video analysis
Making the script personal
This is exactly what this target audience likes. It doesn't even look like a script but just an F1 fan making videos as a hobby for his Youtube channel. It may not be how I would start an intro myself, and I also think it could be a little better than it is now, but the point is that the videos this channel makes are based on a personal script, with his own opinion and that works very well with this target group. Also, listen carefully to the background music, it has a kind of ''sarcastic/calming'' tone. Something you won't hear on a 'real news channel' within F1, because that's a completely different format.
Funny edits
As calm as the intro started, this part of the video will definitely wake you up. At least that's what happened to me when I watched this video. This is definitely something you need to add in your video if you are going to start in this niche, because the target audience finds this entertaining and fun to watch.
Sound effects
Because the background music is so ''calm'', it's good to have a sound effect like this from time to time. This is a bit the same like the funny edit at 00:31. It makes the video more intense and not so monotonous and boring.
A great hook
'But just before you think that there's no one that can stop Max Verstappen, you are very much mistaken.... I swear to God.'
This is a great hook. It will trigger the viewer and make them watch the video longer, which will have a positive effect on your AVD. So they use a hook but also include humor/sarcasm at the end. And that's exactly what you want for this audience.
This is taking too long
Don't get me wrong, because the fact that he makes the video so personal is just the right thing to do, and that's also what this target audience likes so much. But I personally would make the outro a little shorter because he goes on for almost 2 minutes about why he didn't mention all the drivers, and that editing takes so long etc. Instead, just mention a short call to action: If you want to see a part 2? Spam the comments. Or when you have a part 2 already, mention: Want to see a part 2? Click on the video you're now seeing on your screen.


Title analysis
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Used trigger words
- F1
- Formula 1
- Esteban Ocon
- F1 Calendar
- HUGE Problem
- Drivers
- F1 World Champion
- Ferrari
Thumbnail analysis
Used thumbnail 1

❌ Too many focus points
What we see here is a great example of what your thumbnail will look like if you use too many focus points. You have no idea where to look at. The size of the red text is so small that you almost have to zoom in to read the text, so I would definitely remove that part.
Used thumbnail 2
✅ 'Cheap' thumbnail style
By cheap thumbnail style. I mean that the thumbnail is very easy put together, as memes are as well. By using this thumbnail style, the target audience suggests that they can expect meme-type content.
Used thumbnail 3

❌ Way too difficult to understand/not funny
It's critical that your audience understands the "jokes" on your thumbnail. If your "jokes" are too tough to understand, no one will laugh and, as a result, click. In the next tumbnail, I'll show you an example that's easier to understand and makes people laugh.
Used thumbnail 4

✅ Great thumbnail
The tile of this thumbnail is: Every F1's Drivers Weaknesses
In combination with this thumbnail, you will triggeryour audience's a lot. To describe this thumbnail to someone who does not know F1. On the left is Max Verstappen, whose father is well-known for being heavily involved in his career. In the center is Lando Norris, who has never won a race but finished second several times last season. On the right, we have Charles Leclerc, who has had a lot of poor luck with his team Ferrari. This is an excellent example of a hilarious and easy-to-follow (3 focuspoints) thumbnail that this target audience likes.
Revenue analysis
Based on the current stats, it looks like this channel isn't very profitable. That's because he only has 8 videos on his channel and only started posting them a month ago. If you upload more frequently and get the same results as this channel, you can easily make a living from it
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Topic analyses
Video rating
Video analyses
Title analyses
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Used trigger words
Thumbnail analyses
Used thumbnail 1
Used thumbnail 2
Used thumbnail 3
Used thumbnail 4
Revenue analyses
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Did you check the other competitor channel?
We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.
Lets create
your video
Who is our target audience?
Topic example
If you have an affinity for F1, it will make your life a lot easier because you will most likely already be familiar with the sport's details. If you are unfamiliar with F1, I would recommend that you begin watching it and look for a truly good scriptwriter who has knowledge about the sport. Otherwise, it's impossible to succeed. A scriptwriter with F1 knowledge is also required if you have an affinity for F1, but it will be easier for you to choose topics, discuss what to do with your scriptwriter, and make changes as needed.
It's also important to have a video editor who understands F1 and the scriptwriter's sense of humor. The more they understand each other, the better your videos will become. So I would recommend having a conversation with all of them so that they can get to know each other as they will be working closely together.
Where can I find topics?
The best way to make these videos succeed is to combine your topics with F1 news events and try to make fun of it. So you have to start by searching for news articles. Here are a few ways you can do that:
- Meme pages: This one is the easiest. Go to X, Instagram, or TikTok and start searching for meme pages. Simply type #f1memes or #f1fun into the search bar, and you will be led to plenty of meme pages. What's even more interesting about this strategy is that they've already combined news with memes, so they've already done the hard work for you, and you can already see how well the jokes are performing by looking at comments, likes, shares, and reposts.
- Google: Type in the search bar "f1" and click on the tab "news". Now you will find current news articles.
- F1 news websites: Here are a few trustworthy websites: www.gpblog.com www.motorsport.com/f1 www.gpfans.com/
- YouTube: Look at F1 news channels and see which topics are performing well and take your advantage of it. For example, on these channels: https://www.youtube.com/@gpculture/videos https://www.youtube.com/@F1REVERSE/videos the topics of Red Bull racing are performing good, so that would be an opportunity to make fun off.
I went to Instagram and search on #f1memes and I found the page F1troll: https://www.instagram.com/f1troll/
Then I saw that at the moment a lot of new cars are getting introduced because the season is almost starting and a lot of cars don't have paint on their cars but a lot of carbon fiber due less weight on their cars. So a lot of people are making fun of it. This is exactly what I mean with combining fun with news, it's relevant at the moment, and you can find a lot of funny memes about it where you can build a script around.
Title example
Thumbnail example
How to make your thumbnail?
As I mentioned before, it is important that your thumbnail looks likea meme, so I took a lot of inspiration from the meme pages on Instagram, where I noticed that they use a Twitter-like format, such as this:

These posts are receiving hundreds of thousands of likes, which confirms to me that this is working. Even if it's a different social media site, human psychology remains the same, and it looks like many people are enjoying this style. So it is something I would try as well.
I also really like this meme because it's a really recognizable moment for F1 fans, where the team boss of Red Bull shouts at his main rival: "Fix your fucking car". What they did in this meme is change "fix" for "paint" which makes this picture hilarious. So I looked for this moment on YouTube and I took a screenshot of it and started working from there:

End result

What did I do?
- Twitter/X format: I recreated the twitter/x format by building a profile picture with the name etc. The font I used is Helvetica Now Display what looks similiar to the Twitter/X font.
- Left to right: Twitter/X posts are vertically formatted, but YouTube thumbnails take up more horizontal room. That's why I had to put the image on the right and the text on the left, otherwise there isn't enough space to show both.
- Text: You want your text to be as short as possible, whichletting the viewer focuson the most relevant parts. That's why I made the most important part (the joke) bigger and the less relevant text smaller.
- Red bar: I wanted to highlight the word "paint" because that is what this meme is all about.
Articles/video references
Creating the title
Thumbnail example
End result

What does the audience like?
F1 humor and memes
This audience mainly watches the competition channel because they use a lot of humor and memes. That's also one of the reasons why this channel is doing so well, because they make different videos than most F1 channels.
Team opinions
The people who watch these videos are obviously big fans of F1 and the comments are full of their opinions about Redbull, Ferarri and Mercedes.
What does the audience not like?
Bad sound quality
It's important for this audience that they can hear the voice over well, and that he can tell it in a funny way. I personally would recommend choosing a British voice over in this niche because most viewers are from the United Kingdom.