
Why this
According to our competition analysis, this niche has a large target group. Furthermore, there is a growing trend toward a healthy lifestyle, and how to get older. Many people are looking for the "hack" that will ensure they live the longest, which is why this is such an interesting niche. And there is so much more room to improve the quality of the competition videos.
Success chance
Saturation level
Experience level
- Unites States
- Canada
- United Kingdom
- Australia
- Europe
Competition ANALYSIS
These channels are showing potential for this niche.
Healthy Long Life
Topic analysis
Video rating
Video analysis
Start your video with a clip
The intro of this clip in combination with an AI voice-over is so bad. It's way better to start with a clip where the woman in place is revealing a little bit of here secret. That will create a lot more interest from the viewer. Like this video did: Fountain of Youth
Side note, they start with clips on their newer videos
It's not done perfectly, but definitely something that is interesting to use in your video's. They created a summary of what the woman in place will reveal in this video. I think that's one of the things why this video has been watched so well because people probably clicked on the video for that. But you can make this way more interesting if you end the summary with something like: But there is one thing she does that changed everything for here. But before we explain to you what that is, we first have to [go on with your script]
Trigger phrases trick
It's so small, you sometimes don't even notice it. I call them "trigger phrases" and here are some examples:
- But that's not all
- But wait, there is more
- But we're not there yet
These phrases are working so well because you're triggering the viewer to wait because they want to know what's coming next. This channel could have done it a bit better because they straight away revealed what was coming next. If you use this trick, you have some time to build it up again and then reveal it. Great trick to get a better AVD (average view duration).
Voice over
This channel clearly uses an AI voice and that creates such a "fake" feeling. And even with an AI voice-over, this video received 3.2 million views at this time being. Imagine what this channel/video can do with a great human storyteller.
Background music
This background music almost sounds like a commercial song. And that in combination with that AI voice over.. It was a better choice to use no music in this case.
Music plays such an important role in conveying a feeling. For this channel/niche I would use more different styles of music depending on what the script is saying. For example: In the middle of the script the voice starts talking about a drastic story, take a dramatic song. If the script then switches to something somebody achieved, take an uplifting song. I also would use a lot of sound effects to keep in interesting
Boring script
To me, it looks like this script has been written with AI as well.
Reading Wikipedia
People clicked on the video to know here secrets and not for reading a Wikipedia article. It's good to talk about where and how she started, but there is a way more interesting way to explain that. For example: Carmen started as a model when she was ... years old and that's where she learned to use [THE HACK] etc.
Showing a clip
The thumbnail of this video has the text: 3 VITAMINS I ALWAYS EAT! So when someone clicks on that video, they expect to get to know that this man is going to tell them what vitamins he takes. So to start your video with a clip where the man is talking about vitamins, is just perfect.
Reveal trick
Great trick to get a better AVD. Ask an interesting question and say you will reveal the answer at the end of the video. Even better if you say: Before we tell you the answer, we first have to explain etc..
If you're doing it this way, people will not know that they are being tricked and they will keep waiting when you reveal it.
This channel/video did it a little too obvious that they are trying to let you watch the whole video.
Let him explain
If you have the content, it's always better to let him explain it because the message will be stronger. But look out for copyrights. I don't think they are allowed to use this clip, so only use it on your own risk. If you use it, make sure it's really short or make cuts in the clip.
AI voice-over
See explanation on video 1
Ugly animation
Calling things ugly or beautiful is always an opinion, so it doesn't matter what you as a creator personally likes or not, it's about what the target audience likes or not. But I can't imagine that somebody of the target audience likes this animation.
Title analysis
How they write their titles, is not how I would write my titles. What I really don't like is that they're making them so long and you can't read the full title on YouTube. But they're doing something good, so lets analyze what they're doing well.
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Healthy Long Life
Used trigger words
- Secret
- Reversed aging
- Don't get old
- Anti-aging
- Live longer
- Conquer aging
- New dieet
- Reduce
- Vitamins
Thumbnail analysis
Healthy Long Life
Used thumbnail 1

✅ 3 focus points
Besides if this thumbnail looks good, they understand the rule of less is more. People are only scanning your thumbnail in a split second and you don't want to have too much going on. You can't focus on more things then: the man, the red text and the text below.
Healthy Long Life
Used thumbnail 2
❌ Looks unrealistic
If you read the text: "I'm 74 here's my 3 food rules". Besides if the text is good, that text doesn't match anything of the photo next to it. The text is really personal, but the picture is staged and because of that it creates a fake or unrealistic feeling.
If you use a picture where it looks like if the woman is explaining something and edit a microphone under her mouth as if she is doing an interview, that would be way more realistic in combination with that text.
Healthy Long Life
Used thumbnail 3
❌ To much text
Like I have mentioned before, people only have a split second to decide if they're going to click on your video or not. Most of the time using more then 3 words is too much.
Healthy Long Life
Used thumbnail 4
❌ Same text on thumbnail and title
The title of this thumbnail is: I eat TOP 5 FOODS and Don't Get Old! Joan Collins (90) still looks 59! Her Secrets to Youth.
When you use the same text in both, you're missing an opportunity to trigger your audience. They have to work together and not be the same.
Healthy Long Life
Revenue analysis
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Topic analyses
Video rating
Video analyses
Title analyses
Good titles contain emotional trigger words that ensure that a viewer will click your video. Emotional trigger words can be divided into 3 categories:
Curiosity (Words like: Banned, Exposed, Hidden, Illegal etc.)
Urgency/Unique: (Things like: Numbers, Limited Timed, Days etc.)
Titles: (Things like: Job titles, Family relations, Famous names etc.)
Used trigger words
Thumbnail analyses
Used thumbnail 1
Used thumbnail 2
Used thumbnail 3
Used thumbnail 4
Healthy Long Life
Revenue analyses
These numbers are estimates and estimated by YouTube experts.
It is therefore not possible to derive any rights from these estimates and it is always recommended to do your own research
Did you check the other competitor channel?
We just don’t want you to miss out on any valuable information.
Lets create
your video
Who is our target audience?
Topic example
Celebrity combination
This topic has done great on a smaller channel. Almost every niche goes well in combination with a celebrity so we should definitely try this out. The trick with celebrities is that they always look young and everybody thinks they always has used plastic surgery to look young. So if you can create something in the title and thumbnail which is controversially against that, the chance is big that you will get success.
Title example
Thumbnail example
Picture from Cher
What we have learned from thumbnails from the competition is that they look unrealistic, so I have searched for a picture where it looks like Cher is explaining something. I typed in google: Cher talking and found this picture:

Picture of rare fruit
Then I looked for a picture of a rare looking fruit that really catches your eye because of its colors. Then I saw this blue strawberry, which is a great trigger point because people will recognize a strawberry, but it doesn't look like they used to. This will raise the question, what is that? So that the audience is more likely to click on the thumbnail. Side note: This is an example and I did not verify if she takes a blue strawberry every day. This is just to showcase how I build a thumbnail and what to look for.

End result

I chose to highlight the strawberry and Cher to make the thumbnail stand out on the YouTube interface. This will help you catch people's attention faster.
Thumbnail text
I chose TOOK THIS EVERYDAY to create the impression that if a celebrity takes this weird looking strawberry every day, it must be something interesting
Articles/video references
Creating the title
Thumbnail example
End result

What does the audience like?
People are looking for the lifehack
People are constantly arguing about what you need to do to stay healthy. One is vegetarian, the other loves a carnivore diet. This is very interesting information because you can respond to it with opinions in the video, thereby eliciting reactions.
They love to tell their experience
You will see a lot of comments from people who are just wanting to tell their story. Also interesting information because what you can do is encourage people in your videos to tell them their experience to stay healthy for more engegament on your videos.
They look up to old people
The older the person in the video, the more comments you will see about it. Take that with you in your topic choices.
What does the audience not like?
AI voice-over
They don't like AI voice-overs